Cash flow v supplier credit limits

Cash flow v supplier credit limits

In a recent article we explained how granting lengthy credit limits to customers was as good as letting them keep your money in their bank account.

In this post we describe the opposite situation, where you are granted

Cash flow v customer credit limits

Cash flow v customer credit limits

If your business grants a customer time to pay – say 30 days – after the services or goods supplied have been delivered, effectively, your money stays in their bank account for 30 days.

Further, if you have incurred

Repeat business

Repeat business

Once you have secured the attention of a customer that has purchased their initial goods or services from you, you have completed the hard part – converted a prospect into a buying customer – so don’t be afraid to follow

Recurring sales

Recurring sales

Most business owners will appreciate the difference between one-off sales, and services that are generally described as recurring.

For example, you may sell a laptop (a one-off sale) and then bolt on a support contract