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Interest on children’s savings

Interest on children’s savings

All children in the UK have their own personal allowance, currently £12,570. There are special rules if a parent gifts significant amounts of money to their children which results in them receiving bank interest of more

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Types of HMRC enquiries

Types of HMRC enquiries

HMRC can enquire into any statutory return (or amendment of that return) or statutory claim to check if the return / claim has been prepared correctly or if further information is required.

HMRC’s internal manuals state

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Non-resident UK property sales

Non-resident UK property sales

There are specials rules that apply to UK property sales by non-residents. Since 6 April 2020 non-residents have needed to report and pay any non-resident Capital Gains Tax (CGT) due if they have sold or disposed

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Multiple Dwellings Relief for SDLT

Multiple Dwellings Relief for SDLT

It was announced as part of the Spring Budget 2023 that Multiple Dwellings Relief (MDR) was being abolished. This change has now come into effect for transactions which complete, or substantially perform on or after 1

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Correcting errors in VAT returns

Correcting errors in VAT returns

Where an error on a past VAT return is uncovered businesses have a duty to correct the error as soon as possible. As a general rule, any necessary adjustment can be made on a current VAT return. To do this, the errors

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Self-assessment payments on account

Self-assessment payments on account

Self-assessment taxpayers are usually required to pay their income tax liabilities in three instalments each year. The first two payments on account are due on 31 January during the tax year and 31 July following the tax

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New Brooms

New Brooms

As time passes during the present election campaign, its seems more likely that we may have a change of government from the 5 July.

Labour have disclosed a number of tax changes they would introduce. To summarise they

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Tax Diary July/August 2024

Tax Diary July/August 2024

1 July 2024 – Due date for corporation tax due for the year ended 30 September 2023.

6 July 2024 – Complete and submit forms P11D return of benefits and expenses and P11D(b) return of Class 1A NICs.

19 July 2024 – Pay

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Directors and National Insurance

Directors and National Insurance

Directors are classed as employees and pay National Insurance on annual income from salary and bonuses that exceed the Primary Threshold. The annual threshold is £12,570 in the current 2024-25 tax year.

Many director

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Setting up as a sole trader

Setting up as a sole trader

Setting up in business as a sole trader is arguably the simplest way of starting and running a business. The advantages of being a sole trader include independence, ease of set up and running your business, and the fact

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Filing your tax return early

Filing your tax return early

The 2023-24 tax year ended on 5 April 2024 and the new 2024-25 tax year started on 6 April 2024. Most taxpayers will be happy to leave dealing with their 2023-24 tax returns until later this year or even until January

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From Payroll and Bookkeeping to VAT and Corporation Tax,  your perfect accountant is right here – giving you the fast, efficient and friendly support you need.